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z Systems Development and Test Environment overview - IBM
It enables z/OS, middleware, and other z/OS software to run on Intel and compatible computers. It is based on the IBM z Systems Personal Development Tool (zPDT®), which is included with the z Systems Development and Test Environment to emulate z Systems architecture with virtual I/O and devices.
Quick Start Guide - IBM
IBM z Systems Development and Test Environment provides a team-scale, development and test environment that is built on the IBM System z® Personal Development Tool (zPDT®). This software runs on a 64-bit Intel or Intel compatible (x86) Linux server.
IBM zPDT Reference and Guide
IBM zPDT Guide and Reference System z Personal Development Tool Bill Ogden IBM System z Personal Development Tool Full IBM z/OS usage Linux base. International Technical Support Organization IBM zPDT Reference and Guide: System z Personal Development Tool March 2020 SG24-8205-05
ISV IBM zPDT Guide and Reference - IBM Redbooks
ISV zPDT provides the basic IBM zSystems architecture and provides emulated IBM 3390 disk drives, 3270 interfaces, Open Systems Adapter (OSA) interfaces, and other items.
IBM ISV zPDT Guide and Reference - IBM Redbooks
IBM Redbooks ISV IBM zPDT Guide and Reference December 2022 SG24-8205-06
IBM Z® Program Development Tool for Independent Software Vendors (ISV zPDT) The ISV zPDT emulates an IBM Z mainframe environment on x86 architecture, providing ISVs with a low-cost platform to develop and test their IBM Z applications.
IBM zPDTSystem zPersonal Development Tool
zPDT–Advanced §The zPDTtechnology consists of hardware and software – zPDT software enables System z architecture •Runs on a Linux for x86 environment – zPDT hardware (1090-L01, -L02, -L03, USB hardware key) is a security key that authenticates the zPDT software •Plugs into the USB port (looks like a ‘memory stick’)
IBM System z Personal Development Tool
The IBM System z Personal Development Tool (zPDT) is a software-based application development tool from IBM. The zPDT technology can enable a virtual System z architecture environment that allows mainframe operating systems, middleware, and software to run unaltered on 64-bit (x86_64bit) and compatible systems.
IBM System z Personal Development Tool: Volume 2 ... - IBM Redbooks
This IBM® Redbooks® publication introduces the IBM System z® Personal Development Tool (zPDT®), which runs on an underlying Linux system based on an Intel processor. zPDT provides a System z system on a PC capable of running current System z operating ...
ISV IBM zPDT Guide and Reference - Google Books
ISV zPDT provides the basic IBM zSystems architecture and provides emulated IBM 3390 disk drives, 3270 interfaces, Open Systems Adapter (OSA) interfaces, and other items.