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Global migration, by the numbers | World Economic Forum
The scale and speed of migration – defined by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) as the movement of persons away from their place of usual residence, either across an international border or within a state – is notoriously difficult to predict given it can go hand in hand with events such as severe instability, economic ...

Why migration is a model for sustainable development for all
Migration is as old as humanity itself. Throughout history, people have migrated in search of better lives, to flee conflict or seek safety, or simply to find new opportunities. Yet with migration hitting record numbers, a new and more comprehensive approach is needed to address the complex and multifaceted issues that compel people to move today.

Why it’s time to rethink migration - The World Economic Forum
Smart migration policies are about strengthening the match of migrants’ skills and attributes with the needs of the destination societies, so that everyone gains. The private sector can play an important role in ensuring a tight match and allowing migrants to contribute their full potential to the economy.

Migration is a global strategic asset. We must not undermine it
The narrowing migration pathways over the last decade, together with the global transformations underway, are placing one of the world’s most strategic global assets at increasing risk. International migration as part of a global system of peace, prosperity and equality is more important than ever before but increasingly overlooked and ...

Chapter 4. Barriers to Migration - Global Risks Report 2022 | World ...
Economic migration often has considerable benefits for both origin and destination countries. It is “the most effective way to reduce poverty and share prosperity”, according to a World Bank report, 3 and can support economic growth by helping address labour shortages in destination countries.

5 key predictions for the future of city talent migration
In 1990, 45% of migration occurred between neighbouring countries and 23% between countries tied to a common colonial history. Today, only 27% and 17% of migration occur along these lines, respectively. Instead, migrants are more deliberate about their choices and tend to cover greater distances (more than 100 kilometres on average).

How should the world manage migration? | World Economic Forum
Cross-border migration, of course, comes in several forms. It includes both refugees who are forced to leave their country and economic migrants who voluntarily leave in search of opportunities. This total number of migrants has risen significantly in recent years, now accounting for over 3 percent of the global population.

Migration and Its Impact on Cities - World Economic Forum
The World Economic Forum has released a report taking a deep dive on migration and cities, exploring the types, causes and patterns of migration, the most affected corridors and cities, the impact on urban infrastructure and services, the solutions that can be employed and how cities can seek to future proof themselves to address this growing challenge.

These 9 charts will tell you everything you need to know about global ...
As William Lacy Swing, Director-General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) writes: “In recent years, an increase in migration and displacement has occurred due to conflict, persecution, environmental degradation and change, and a profound lack of human security and opportunity.”

Why we shouldn't fear mass migration | World Economic Forum
Migration may also help address demographic deficits, rejuvenating societies and reducing pressures on social services. This rapid overview of the intersections between migration and social instability illustrates in a snapshot one of the main challenges confronting public policy on migration today, namely to promote an objective debate.

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