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Internet Search Results
mainframe - What is MVS and JCL? - Stack Overflow
MVS is the operating system and there are various means to interact with the operating system. Like with Windows or Linux, one way is through the command line. PC-type operating systems call it something like "Terminal". On MVS it is called the console. (I am not digging into different types of consoles here, however.) Another way is through ...
mainframe - JCL - MVS: how to retrieve result from submiting MVS ...
After you activate a console session, you can issue MVS™ system and subsystem commands and obtain command responses. This appendix describes the different commands and functions you can use in REXX execs to set up and use a console session. Writing REXX Execs to perform MVS operator activities
MVS ALLOCATE DDNAME to apply to multiple jobs - Stack Overflow
The bottom line is that this could be done but would require a rework of your JCL. If you set up your JCL correctly you could use a // INCLUDE MEMBER= that contains the valid JCL statement for your dataset, but the downside is that the DDNAME would have to be the same in every JOB using it.
How to copy a dataset (ps or pds) from MVS to PC using JCL
Use MVS Dsname conventions.' But it is working fine with MVS to MVS dataset but not with PC. Can anyone ...
How To Read MVS System Catalog To Retrieve GDG Information?
I have a job (JCL) on the mainframe where I want to programmatically retrieve a particular GDG file's recent relative generation numbers from the system catalog (API call)...where I can then
In computer vision, what does MVS do that SFM can't?
As such, MVS usually takes into account illumination and object materials into its optimization, which SfM does not. There is one issue, though: PMVS2 performs a quite complex optimization that can be dreadfully slow or take an astronomic amount of memory on large image sequences.
encoding - What codepage/charset should be used to interpret data ...
In the past, I've used 'cp500' (IBM-500) to interpret byte date coming for z/OS systems, however I fear that since MVS is a bit of a legacy system, and that since IBM seemed to change it's mind consistently with respect to what encoding to use (there must be tens of EBCDIC encodings), that cp500 may not be the correct encoding.
java - & becomes & during FTP to MVS - Stack Overflow
I am using a java library (edtftpj) to FTP a file from a web app hosted of a tomcat server to an MVS system. The FTP transfer mode is ASCII and transfer is done using FTP streams. The data from a String variable is stored into an MVS dataset. The problem is all the ampersand characters get converted to &. I have tried various escape ...
How to run a Cobol application on Hercules mainframe emulator (Terminal ...
I'm most familiar with MVS 3.8, but there are others. Once you pick and install an operating system, you can find manuals for that operating system online. Unless you are a systems programmer expert in your particular operating system, you will need to hire a tutor to guide you step by painful step in setting up your operating system.
MVS - 知乎
第九讲是关于如何由输入的很多张图片得到相机矩阵和三维点重建坐标的。第十讲MVS则是给定相机参数,输入一组对象图片,输出物体对象的三维表示——体素Voxel,点云Point cloud或者网格化Mesh,MVS可以解决一些图片中的点无法在另一些图片中显示或者显示质量不佳的问题,减少重建误差。