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Algebra - Wikipedia
Algebra is the branch of mathematics that studies certain abstract systems, known as algebraic structures, and the manipulation of expressions within those systems. It is a generalization of arithmetic that introduces variables and algebraic operations other than the standard arithmetic operations, such as addition and multiplication

Introduction to Algebra - Math is Fun
Algebra is just like a puzzle where we start with something like "x − 2 = 4" and we want to end up with something like "x = 6". But instead of saying " obviously x=6", use this neat step-by-step approach:

Algebra | History, Definition, & Facts | Britannica
Algebra is the branch of mathematics in which abstract symbols, rather than numbers, are manipulated or operated with arithmetic. For example, x + y = z or b - 2 = 5 are algebraic equations, but 2 + 3 = 5 and 73 * 46 = 3,358 are not.

Algebra (Definition, Basics, Branches, Facts, Examples) | What is Algebra?
Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with variables, constants, and arithmetic operations. Visit BYJU'S to get more algebra formulas, identities, and more examples.

Algebra - What is Algebra? | Basic Algebra | Definition - Cuemath
Algebra is the branch of mathematics that represents problems in the form of mathematical expressions. It involves variables like x, y, z, and mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to form a meaningful mathematical expression.

Algebra in Math – Definition, Branches, Basics and Examples
Algebra is a mathematical branch that involves symbols and rules for manipulating them, focusing on operations with variables and equations, and is essential for problem-solving in various real-life applications.

Algebra - Pauls Online Math Notes
Preliminaries - In this chapter we will do a quick review of some topics that are absolutely essential to being successful in an Algebra class. We review exponents (integer and rational), radicals, polynomials, factoring polynomials, rational expressions and complex numbers.

What is Algebra? Definition, Basics, Examples, Facts - SplashLearn
Algebra is a branch of mathematics in which letters are used to represent unknown quantities in mathematical expressions. Learn about variables, terms, & examples.

Algebra - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Algebra (from Arabic: الجبر, transliterated "al-jabr", meaning "completion") is a part of mathematics. It uses variables to represent a value that is not yet known or can be replaced with any value.

Introduction to algebra - KS3 Maths - BBC Bitesize
Algebra is a part of maths that uses letters and symbols in the place of numbers. Each letter or symbol is a variable close variable A quantity that can take on a range of values.

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