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     Internet Search Results 

Natural Disasters - Homeland Security
The National Hurricane Center offers resources for people to prepare for and recover from a hurricane, including hurricane risk analyses, evacuation guidelines, a basic disaster supplies kit checklist. Hurricane Preparedness This webpage provides tips and resources for developing an evacuation plan. Hurricane Mitigation Basics for Mitigation Staff

Disasters - Homeland Security
These detachments can be transported nationally and are able to work together to support a large disaster field office and multiple field operating sites within the disaster area. MERS detachments are centrally managed and strategically located across the United States to rapidly respond to incidents at any time, and in any environment.

Disaster Relief Fund: Monthly Report - Homeland Security
``Federal Emergency Management Agency–Disaster ReliefFund'' in the Departmentof Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2015 (Public Law 114-4), relatedto reporting on the Disaster Relief Fund,shall be applied in fiscal year 2024with respect to budget year 2025 and current fiscal year 2024, respectively-

Civil Rights in Emergencies and Disasters - Homeland Security
The DHS Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL) supports individual and community resilience to natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or other emergencies. Through guidance, planning and coordination, CRCL works to ensure that civil rights and civil liberties are integrated into disaster-related policies and procedures.

Federal Emergency Management Agency – AI Use Cases
Implementation of a 24/7 digital, interactive application will expedite guidance comprehension and discovery to provide better support to disaster survivors during active disasters. The system would use AI and search capabilities to intelligently analyze FEMA policies and guidance and assist the agents through the assistance review and award ...

Implementing the Disaster Recovery Tracking Tool A DHS Science and ...
The Disaster Recovery Tracking Tool includes 79 metrics that measure how a community is recovering from a disaster. These metrics (e.g., total disaster related business closures, number of organizations involved in recovery, median home value) are organized in four themes and 10 focus areas that are based on FEMA’s recovery

DHS Grants - Homeland Security
The Federal Emergency Management Agency provides program funding in the form of non-disaster grants to enhance the capacity to prevent, respond to, and recover from various emergencies. FEMA Grants This resource contains information on preparedness grants funding provided by FEMA to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments in the form ...

S&T Impact: Disaster Resilience - Homeland Security
Planning. S&T builds coalitions to tackle multi-discipline and multi-jurisdiction challenges. The Canada-U.S. Enhanced Resiliency Experiment (CAUSE) series uses real-world exercises to demonstrate that seamless communication is possible between responders on either side of the northern border during a large-scale emergency.

H2Rescue Emergency Relief Truck - Homeland Security
The H2Rescue is an advanced hydrogen (H2) fuel cell/battery prototype that can be driven to disaster sites to provide 25kW of export power to support emergency response operations for up to 72 hours without refueling. With the increasing frequency of natural disasters, it is critical that we develop and leverage new and emerging green technologies that can be employed during disaster relief ...

Prepare My Family for a Disaster - Homeland Security
It is also essential to have a disaster supplies kit that includes basic items from your home that you may need in case of emergency. Your plan should include: How you will get to a safe place; How you will contact each other; How you will get back together; What you will do in different situations; Planning Resources. Disaster Kit Contents ...

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